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Using Rhino Mocks quick guide to generating mocks and stubs Musing, Rants & Jumbled Thoughts of John M. Wright
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Using Rhino Mocks quick guide to generating mocks and stubs Musing, Rants & Jumbled Thoughts of John M. Wright

There are three methods called in the implementation of Order method in below Order. In the test, we call the Order method with 2 as quantity parameter. After calling the Order method, we will check the quantity of the Warehouse object. Rhino Mocks will generate fake objects to replace the dependencies that you have, and then allow you to tell them, at runtime, how to behave.

First, you have a section of code where you record your expectations. Second, you have a section of code where your expectations are tested against reality. Finally, notice that the call to SetupResult is wrapped in a using statement that references the MockRespository.Record() method. The using statement in conjunction with the Record() method are used to record how the stub should behave when a particular stub method is called.

Stubs vs Mocks

Mock objects also check the implementation of the test method. It also tracks how many times a particular method was called and in what order a sequence of methods were called. Rhino Mocks is the mature dynamic mocking framework for .NET unit testing.

For example, Listing 14 contains a unit test for a logger component. In the first section of the test, a particular set of expectations is recorded. When the Customer.Save() method is called, the Logger.Log() method should be called with the ProductId of the product being saved.

  • I left this part in the code, close to the good one, to show you the differences side by side.
  • I prefer to use lamdas unless the method is really long.
  • Stub object vary their response based on input parameters.
  • On the one hand, you can use a Mock Object Framework to create stubs.
  • The main aspect of this kind of objects is that the VerifyAllExpectation on them will fail whenever there is a call made on the mock object which has not been explicitly set before.

To check if a property has been set in a stub object, we can’t use a Stub. This is the time, with Rhino Mocks, where we are forced to use the GenerateMock call. Sometime is easy to write quickly four or five assertions against our system under test, to check if the properties A, B, C and also D are set as we want. When you’ll be back to maintain your test, in two years or so, it will be more difficult to understand why the test is failing, especially when more assertion are “implicitly” related each other. The method parameters, if you provide any, will be passed to the object’s constructor. Listing 21 contains a mockable version of the Logger class.

Testing Non-Public Members

This test is not testing any business logic, it just shows how to control the return value of a read-only property. For the entire code example, please check out theRhinoMocks.GettingStartedproject. I left this part in the code, close to the good one, to show you the differences side by side.

rhino mocks stub

Each time you execute the test in Listing 4, a connection string must be retrieved from the ConfigHelper class. The ConfigHelper class, in turn, retrieves the connection string from a configuration file. In this case, the external resource is a configuration file. In order to run the unit test, you must have the right configuration file setup in your Test Project. This unit test enables you to test the AddNumbers() method in isolation.

Verifying expectations

The ConfigHelper class is used to retrieve a database connection string. By making the changes David is suggesting you make, you can in the future be insulated from configuration changes. With Rhino.Mocks, you can’t mock private or protected members, but you can mock internal members if you add an InternalsVisibleTo attribute for the Castle dynamic proxy assembly. Moq also uses the same proxy, so you’ll still need to add the attribute, but Moq has the added benefit of being able to mock protected members. See the Moq Quickstart Guide for details on how to do this.

If the call to the Oven doesn’t happen in the PizzaMaker , then the test will fail. The mock object will complain with us saying “hey! Wait a minute! You told me that someone should have called me but nothing happened!”. Every time we cook a pizza using our PizzaMaker, the status of this property is set to false. When the pizza is ready, the property is set back to true. As a general rule, I will generate all of my mocks in the test suite method to ensure everything is reset from one test to the next.

rhino mocks stub

Bear in mind that if you declare it using “def”, this variable is using Groovy’s dynamic typing, and so isn’t strongly recognised as a Renderer type by the IDE or by the code. This is fine if you’re not doing much with the mock, but you might sometimes want to specify the type more clearly, this will certainly be more natural for Java developers. Test Doublesis an object that is used as fake object in place of dependent object. These objects are only used in unit testing of an application. Rhino Mocks can not mock static and sealed methods of a class.

However, we could also tolerate it for now, as when we are in a rush we all do terrible things in our codebase… Remember, stubs are there to supply your unit tests with Difference between an id and class in HTML their needed dependencies, but are not there to run verifications on; that’s what mocks are for. Notice that both of Rover’s methods are marked as virtual methods.

Listings & Reviews

The unit test in Listing 4 checks whether a particular number of products is returned by the GetProducts() method. Unfortunately, most real-world code looks nothing like the code in Listing 1. Most real-world code has dependencies on external objects. In many cases, these external objects have dependencies on resources like databases, configuration files, web services, or the file system.

In this revised version, the Write() method is a virtual instance method rather than a static method. Let’s consider a particular code sample in which both of these limitations of Rhino Mocks is important. Imagine that you decide to create a Logger component for your application. When any method of your application is called, you want to log the action to a file on disk. If I didn’t care about Rhino Mocks, I would use the code in Listing 19 to create the Logger component. Rhino Mocks places two important constraints on the design of your application.

They usually return a predefined response that are not vary based on input parameters. In Rhino Mocks we create implementation of dependencies How to install add-apt-repository in Ubuntu Debian that act as stand-in for the real implementations. Rhino Mocks allows both State verification and Behavior verification of objects.

I have the interfaces and the product in a model project while the test is in another project. The error went away when I created Product class that was implementing IProduct. I share your concern that dependency Continuous Delivery and Maturity Model DevOps ~ Ahmed AbouZaid! injection might make your code more difficult to understand. I’m not sure whether a DI Framework would improve matters. The DataProvider class in Listing 22 has been revised to support Dependency Injection.

The purpose of this blog entry was to provide you with an introduction to Rhino Mocks. This entry was certainly not intended as a comprehensive discussion of all of the features of Rhino Mocks. The goal was to explain how you can use Rhino mocks to perform both state verification and behavioral verification unit tests. I also discussed some of the important limitations of Rhino Mocks and how these limitations affect how you build applications. You can use Rhino Mocks to verify that a particular set of objects interact in an expected way. For example, you can verify that a particular object method was called the expected number of times with the expected set of parameters.

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